This is a recording of a Zoom webinar hosted November 26, 2020.
Transitioning classroom methods to online teaching, especially for highly technical subjects, has been challenging. In this webinar, Dr. Gerhard shows his zoom teaching setup and the interaction techniques that he uses for recording lecture videos and working with students during class time as well as for examinations. Dr. Gerhard also discusses the challenges of teaching from slides via screen share and the importance of seeing the instructor’s face.
After the session, there were requests for photos of Dr. Gerhard's setup. Please see below:
Bio: David Gerhard is Head of the Department of Computer Science, an associate member in the Faculty of Media, Art and Performance, and Director of the aRMADILo research lab. He has won the University of Regina Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Teaching, and was nominated for the 3M National Teaching Fellowship. His current research explores human interactions in virtual reality.